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01803 446008 24hr service
Direct Cremation Torbay
342 Torquay Road
Preston, Paignton
Devon TQ3 2DQ
Part of Katie Mills Independent Funeral Service

Bereavement Support
Care does not stop after the funeral. For many people, this can be the start of a difficult time. Alongside us partnering with GriefChat please see other agencies who can help

The Bereavement Register
Service specifically designed to remove from databases and mailing files, the names and addresses of people who have died.
020 7089 6403 or 0800 082 1230 (24 hour automated registration service)
Helpline for people bereaved or injured in a road crash, listening ear and information on practical matters, and local counselling and trauma therapy services. Also offers assistance to police officers and other professionals.
0808 8000 401
Child Bereavement Charity
Support for bereaved families, online discussion forums, information.
0800 02 888 40
The Compassionate Friends
Helpline and support services run by bereaved parents. Support to parents and their immediate families after the death of a child/children of any age and from any cause.
0345 123 2304
Cruse Bereavement Care
Provides support services for people who have been bereaved. Helpline offering listening support and practical advice related to bereavement, including dealing with an estate, debt and arranging a funeral. Puts people in touch with local cruse branches that provide a range of services including individual and group support.
Helpline 0844 477 9400
Child Death Helpline
Helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child of any age. Advice, information, listening, befriending, referrals and face to face service by arrangement.
0800 282 986
Dying Matters
A coalition of 32,000 members across England and Wales which aims to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life. It holds many free downloadable resources to help with palliative care, death and grief issues including the My Funeral Wishes choice form.
0800 021 44 66
Natural Death Centre
Information on 200 natural burial grounds, biodegradable coffins and other coffins, how to organise an inexpensive green funeral with or without funeral directors, looking after someone dying at home, Living Wills, Death Plans etc.
01962 712690
Helpline providing practical and emotional support for people who have suffered bereavement or injury in a road crash. Advice on rights, finding a lawyer, counselling and other support services.
0845 450 0355
SAMM (Support After Murder and Manslaughter)
Telephone support line for families and friends of murder victims.
0121 451 1618 / 0845 872 3440
SCARD (Support and Care After Road Death & Injury)
To alleviate distress to people who have been bereaved, injured or affected by road death or injury. Set up by a family who lost their 27 year old son in a car accident. Provide emotional and practical support, helpline, support groups, meetings and personal support. Help assist and accompany affected families and individuals and friends to Crown, Magistrates, or Coroners Court. Send out independent and informative information with regard to the judicial system, provides access to free initial legal help and advice, can assist bereaved families with access to free counselling within and outside the organisation.
Helpline: 0845 1235542
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
National Helpline and other support services run by a self help group for people bereaved by suicide. Helpline provides listening support and will put people in touch with their nearest local group. Monthly group meetings in various locations. Bereavement pack and literature for survivors. Conferences and support days.
0300 111 5065
UK Care Guide
An online resource to help people that have just been bereaved in the UK featuring an infographic and help article to help break down, in simple terms, all the steps that someone needs to go through when they have lost a loved one.
Victim Support
Emotional support, information and practical help to victims of crimes ranging from burglary to murder through a network of local branches. The Witness Service, operating in every criminal court, offers support and practical information about the court process before, during and after a trial.
0808 1689 111